Ancona, Italy Local weather conditions

Disclaimer: this information may be inaccurate. Use it at your own risk.
  • Location: Ancona, Italy
  • Elevation: 63 m (Urban Area)
  • Longitude: 13° 30' 57" E
  • Latitude: 43° 35' 52" N
Weather data updated every 15 minutes.
For info write to: meteo _AT_ falcioni _DOT_ net.

Automated forecast

Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precip possible within 24 to 48 hrs

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Weather broadcast panel
SL Barometer panel

Beaufort scale


Average wind direction


Out temperature and humidity panel
Conditions at 23:30 on 28/4/24
Temperature14.8 °C
SL Barometer1019.8 hPa (rate 0.3 hPa/h)
Barometric Trend0.3
Wind Direction Average139°
Wind Speed0 Km/h
Heat Index16.7 °C
Cloud Base629 m
Rainfall for Today0.0 mm
Today's Extremes
High Temperature22.6 °C at 16:31
Low Temperature12.3 °C at 6:16
High Humidity94% at 7:19
Low Humidity54% at 17:36
High SL Barometer1019.8 hPa at 23:29
Low SL Barometer1017.7 hPa at 2:36
High Heat Index23.8 °C at 14:01
Low Heat Index15.3 °C at 6:16
Peak Wind Gust18 Km/h at 13:31
Data updated on 28/4/24 at 23:30
Sunrise 6:01 Sunset 20:04 Moonrise 0:16 Moonset 8:25 Moon Phase 19
Parameter Value High Time Low Time Average Rate Rate Hi Time Rate Lo Time
Wind Direction SE 360 6:54 5 1:39 139 2.3 267.9 18:20 -158.9 10:23
Wind Speed 0 18 13:31 0 0:00 0 -0.1 15.4 13:31 -3.8 15:18
Wind Gust 0 18 13:31 0 0:00 0 -0.2 12.7 13:31 -7.7 15:18
Humidity 74 94 7:19 54 17:36 74 2.4 8.8 21:13 -14.3 10:58
Temperature 14.8 22.6 16:31 12.3 6:16 15.0 -0.93 2.46 10:51 -1.81 18:27
Wind Chill 14.8 22.6 16:31 12.3 6:16 15.0 -0.93 2.46 10:51 -1.81 18:27
Heat Index 16.7 23.8 14:01 15.3 6:16 17.0 -0.77 1.81 10:51 -1.70 18:21
Dew Point 10.2 16.5 13:38 9.1 21:51 10.5 -0.38 1.40 7:43 -2.68 19:02
Rain 181.0 181.0 0:00 181.0 0:00 181.0 0.0 0.0 0:00 0.0 23:30
Barometer 1012.2 1012.2 23:29 1010.1 2:36 1012.2 0.3 0.5 7:47 -0.5 16:09
Sea-Level Barometer 1019.8 1019.8 23:29 1017.7 2:36 1019.8 0.3 0.5 7:47 -0.5 16:09
Parameter Value
Degree Heating 2.0
Degree Cooling 1.2
Monthly Degree Day Heating 87.1
Monthly Degree Day Cooling 27.9
Yearly Degree Day Heating 724.1
Yearly Degree Day Cooling 32.5
Heat Index ---
Virtual Temp 16.2
Parameter Value
Last 24h Rain 0.0
Rain Rate 0.0
Hourly Rain 0.0
Daily Rain 0.0
Monthly Rain 49.8
Wind Run 24
Monthly Wind Run 407
Yearly Wind Run 1363
Parameter Value
Comfort Index Cool
Cloud Base 629
Air Density 11
Press Altitude 9
Vapor Press 12.5
Station Barom Trend Steady
Barometer Trend Steady
Beaufort Scale Calm